
Lifeplan is Benify's innovative solution to pension fund management. Designed with the user in mind, the platform aids users in proactively managing their finances, relying on algorithms to offer recommendations tailored to the user's age, anticipated retirement age, and risk appetite.




6 months

UX Research & UX/UI Design

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Lifeplan is Benify's innovative solution to pension fund management. Designed with the user in mind, the platform aids users in proactively managing their finances, relying on algorithms to offer recommendations tailored to the user's age, anticipated retirement age, and risk appetite.




6 months

UX Research & UX/UI Design

pedal website hero image


Lifeplan is Benify's innovative solution to pension fund management. Designed with the user in mind, the platform aids users in proactively managing their finances, relying on algorithms to offer recommendations tailored to the user's age, anticipated retirement age, and risk appetite.




6 months

UX Research & UX/UI Design

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My Role


UX Research & UX/UI Design


Usability Testing, Developer Handoff, Accessibility


The guiding question: How might we empower individuals to lay the strongest foundation for a secure retirement?

Specific Goals:

  1. Transition from manual processes to automated financial management steps.

  2. Present the manual process in an easily understandable and transparent manner.

  3. Highlight the significance of adhering to the platform's recommendations for optimal financial planning.


Despite Lifeplan's prior existence, it lacked a digital fund allocation system. Users were burdened with the outdated method of manually printing and dispatching forms to fund brokers for new allocations. This legacy system provided minimal feedback about the allocation status or its success.


1. Discovery:
User Research: Engaging with users of the manual process revealed key pain points. Many felt disconnected from the process and were frustrated by the lack of digital interactions. This manual process not only led to prolonged waiting times but also left users in the dark regarding the status of their allocations.

Usability Tests: Conducted on the existing process to pinpoint problematic areas, and the findings were theme-analyzed to discern patterns.

2. Ideation:
Prototyping: Insights from the research were translated into tangible prototypes. This stage saw the creation of multiple iterations, ensuring each one was closer to addressing the user's needs.

3. Validation:
Iterative Testing: Each prototype underwent rigorous user testing, gathering feedback and refining the design. Several iterations were made until a consensus was reached on a design that bridged the gap between user expectations and platform capabilities.

4. Implementation:
Utilizing the pre-existing Lifeplan Design System, I collaborated closely with the software developers. The aim was to craft a seamless user journey, ensuring micro-interactions provided timely and appropriate feedback. Attention to detail ensured that each user interaction was intuitive, building trust and reinforcing the platform's credibility.

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Impactful Outcomes

Lifeplan transformed from an outdated, manual system to an intuitive, user-friendly platform. The new system not only streamlined the pension management process but also educated users on its intricacies, ensuring they were actively involved in planning for their retirement.

Key learning

Starting on a smaller scale and promptly incorporating user feedback proved invaluable. It allowed the team to iterate and enhance the platform iteratively, ensuring a more user-centric approach. This agile method of design and development not only reduced time-to-market but also resulted in a product closely aligned with user expectations and needs.

© 2024 Simon Bromander

© 2024 Simon Bromander

© 2024 Simon Bromander